The League of Unextraordinary Gentlemen

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The League of Unextraordinary Gentlemen is the next podcast project by founders and creators of Big Timing Comedy, LLC. Stefan & Eric want to welcome you back to the airwaves of podcasts! We were gone for a bit after we decided to hang up the cleats for Paco's Got Balls podcast and this new version spun up! We've made some improvements and we hope you enjoy! We are here to talk about completely UNextraordinary things both comedic and in our lives. We will update you behind the scenes at our comedy shows and hopefully get coaching from our producer Mickey Cucchiella and Co-Producer Shawn Pass.

CrowdFunding! Become an honored Patron by donating a small contribution or alot, however much you'd like and be a part of the BTC experience and watch us grow! We will use these funds to reinvest into our Podcast as there are costs associated with it's production and so that we can continue to offer the ability to listen for free!! There are awesome prizes and perks associated with being a Patron. Click image below for details and to pledge!

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